Recipes from my notebook for you!

neon yellow pencil on notebook. notebook has natural dog treat recipes

  Lily and I spend a lot of time in the kitchen: Lily, more often with her nose up toward the treat-in-progress or sleeping in my path, and me, cooking up a super-aromatic dog treat storm! Making natural dog treats for Lily and her pupper-peers is my passion. I work really hard to find ultra-quality ingredients to craft into interesting and nutritious treats for you to make at home. But why?

  Why would I give you my personal dog treat recipes when I create dog treats that I really want you to buy? It's simple; almost everyone likes to cook with and for their family; it’s fun and just feels good! Also, I dream up SO many natural dog treat recipe ideas; you all can shout to me your feedback: Which treats were your pupper’s favs? You’ll be part of Woof Creek’s R&D team!

  On these pages I'll share with you my favorite natural dog treat recipes that I’ve painstakingly researched and crafted with love for dogs’ health and safety. All of my recipes utilize ultra-quality ingredients, are gluten free, holistically focused and are just downright tasty! I hope you enjoy making these recipes with your pup and/or human family as much as I do, and I am so happy to be able to share them with you.

Have fun and Woof! 

Chef Scot Hill

Owner of Woof Creek

Important note: Treats, cookies, biscuits, jerky, and anything else that is given as a reward should be done so in moderation. Please consult your dog's veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your dog's diet and health.