Summer-ize your pup’s routine!

The temperatures are climbing across the country! It's time for temporary summer routine changes for our pet's health and safety.
Here’s Woof Creek’s ‘Summer-izing’ List to beat the heat and still keep the fur kids active and fulfilled!
The ‘Summer-izing’ Hot List!
- Shift walk and outdoor play schedules to early mornings and/or evenings to avoid peak temperatures
- Easy paw washer for dewy morning paws
- Handheld shower head for quick in-bath paw rinse
- Shorten walk
- Plan a shady route
- Walk with a reflective golf umbrella like this one
- Deerskin leather paw booties like these Dog Mocs for any unavoidable hot pavement
- Cooling vests: thin, light colored or reflective (our favorite is this one (link) from Kyeese
- Cooling mats for post-walk rest, or access to a tiled area
- A portable fan like the Ryobi Cordless fan (link) or this clip on rechargeable misting fan
- Lots of cool (not cold) filtered water throughout the day
- Increase indoor playtime and enrichment
- Check out this remote treat throwing toy for tasty fun + exercise!
- Snuffle mats, lick mats, puzzles and ball throwing toys are also a go-to!
- Woof Creek limited-ingredient treats are a perfect fit for the above toys + tools (and your kiddo’s healthy lifestyle!)! Use this code [TREATS4HEAT] for a free treat sampler with any $45 purchase at!!
- Hydrate dry food/kibble with water, kefir, whole yogurt and/or bone broth
- Car rides!
- Walks through pet-friendly venues like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. are enriching and great training and socializing opportunities!
- Indoor agility or training classes make for great bonding experiences!
Overheating danger zone starts at 85°+, stay vigilant! Bring your dog to a cooler indoor setting and offer them small amounts of COOL water (not ice cold; as it water may cause shock) if you notice signs of overheating.
These signs include:
- Heavy panting
- Pale/red gums
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Excessive drooling
- Lethargy
- Disorientation
While heat tolerance varies for individual dogs and can be influenced by age, weight and breed, keeping your dog indoors amidst extreme temperatures is vital. Check out this temperature safety chart below for more information about temperature safety danger zones