The Bark Blog, all bark and no bite!

Warmer Weather and the Dangers of Canine Heat Stroke
Know The Signs & Risks of Canine Heat Stroke: With temperatures climbing across the country as we move into the summer months, keeping our pups comfortable and cool is becoming more and more important! Read on to learn about the causes, risks and ways to identify an overheating pooch and how we can take steps to make sure that our fur babies are still living their best, enriched lives without being unnecessarily exposed to extreme, dangerous temperatures.
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Green lipped mussel benefits for dogs
If you are looking to give your canine companion an edge on staying healthy and active, you may already be familiar with the benefits that dietary supplements can offer. You might have tried adding a supplement such as fish oil...
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Beautiful Giant kelp for dogs to enjoy the benefits
So why is kelp good for dogs? It packs a punch in the nutrition department, and when the dosage is synced appropriately with the rest of their diet it is a great natural way to provide vital support for many of the systems that keep your canine happy and healthy.
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